Monday, September 13, 2010

Thing #20

I have used Google Docs before but had trouble when trying to collaborate with my team mates. The idea I had was to send them the lesson plans so they could add their ideas or suggestions or to make revisions/corrections. This helps save paper and prevents papers from getting lost until you are ready to print them out and file them.

I could use google docs to help prepare a blog post for our classroom (prewriting/brainstorming). Using google docs would help show students how to be organized. If students made a document in our class, we could collaborate with another first grade class in Mesquite or the US to edit and revise. This could also be used with voicethread or blogs, etc.

I used googledocs to make a vacation planner (spreadsheet). I made it while I was at home and saved it under my google email so I could edit and retrieve it when needed. This was much more efficient and easier to access than e-mailing the document to myself. In the past when I e-mailed a document to myself, the revision e-mails would pile up and I could get confused on which one had particular changes if I didn't take the time to delete the previous one(s). I also made a google document with ideas for our vacation that I could add to the spreadsheet when or if I wanted to.

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