Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Web 2.0 in class

Initially when I heard about Web 2.0, I had no idea what exactly that meant. Once I found out about 23 Things and the interest in the class, I was excited to learn all the 23 Things. I wanted to know more about RSS feeds and blogging but didn’t get to researching it on my own so now I am learning and having fun doing it. I know technology will continue to change teaching as I know it because where I began (3 years ago) we only had a computer with e-mail and now we have Promethean boards coming and possibly Elmos! I am sure there will be new and different things in the next 25+ years I will be teaching.

Out of the many Web 2.0 tools that are out there to utilize, I would love to begin a class blog. This blog would allow students to use their computer skills to type, format, and add a post to it. They would see the “fruits of their labor” and be excited to share their learning with others (family and/or friends). It is very important for students (and myself) to become more familiar with new technology, which is why I am taking this class. I am preparing myself and trying to prepare my students for the future where there will be jobs that mainly require computer skills.

23 Things here I come!!


  1. You'll learn more about blogging and RSS in Thing 4. I think you will be surprised to see how many teachers are using blogs in the classroom!

  2. It is amazing how much technology changes and all the new doors that it opens up. When I started teaching 21 years ago, an overhead projector was about all the technology I had available. The things I take for granted now didn't exist or weren't easily available. I wonder what I will be taking for granted in another 5 years?

  3. I love the RSS feeds! I spend so much of my time each day visiting all of the different sites I like to frequent, but now they are all in one place! I think you will enjoy it too.

  4. I agree with you! I feel that technology has changed our way of teaching so much! We know have more hands on tools to do more manipulative activities and the such! I'm excited to get started with this class and I have noticed that you are trekking right on through it all! Your blog looks great! I can't wait to see what else I'm going to learn through the Web 2.0 class!
