Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thing # 6

I have recently been adding and deleting RSS feeds. I am a hands-on learner and love to play around with things so I can figure them out for myself. However, it took me a lot longer than it should have (1.5 hours!!) to finally stop reading blogs and clicking on links (It is addictive!). I enjoyed this experience and found some very interesting articles that I will have to look into more in the future and how I can use some of the things that they talk about in my class.

One post I found very interesting is how to find and use legal images for your blog ( I have briefly thought about this but not enough to look for information about it. I am considering having a class blog but not sure on the how and what just yet. When I do I will need to read up on this article and others like it to make sure what I am doing is legal. I am sure I will not need a lot of images as most of the images I will have will be of my students.

I also read this article about using songs to learn academic material ( Last year I taught 3rd grade and bought a Multiplication Rock CD and the students loved it (they would remind me if I forgot). This is actually the same way I learned my multiplication facts. We are to help students learn and be excited about the material and this is one of the ways to do that. We use little jingles to help student remember things so why not even in upper grades?

1 comment:

  1. You're finding some great stuff in your Reader that I would love to access as well. You might consider adding a direct link for me and other readers, so that we can just click through to the articles you mention when you post. That's the power of blogging!
