Tuesday, October 20, 2009


In this article http://www.techlearning.com/article/24800 I was intrigued by yet another technology “answer” to a current problem in our schools. There is so much out there that can help our students which is exciting and important. However, before jumping into another program we need to make sure to look at it from all angles and see if this will really help our students in the long run. Is the money worth the investment if you will.

Pearson makes great products like Waterford that Mesquite ISD uses with K-2. Their programs are research based and have great success. However, even with great success it can not be entirely the answer we are in need of. The current product is Prevent which essentially identifies at risk students who are in danger of not graduating and “falling through the cracks” which is not meeting “No Child Left Behind.” I have not done much reading or research on this topic but I believe these programs may be just a band-aid and not the “cure” we need to help our students. If they are identified by Prevent it is not too late but in a sense it could be because nothing was done before this point. I believe the answer to helping our students succeed lies much deeper within our society, teachers, and parents. However, that is a debate for a different blog at a different time.

1 comment:

  1. Linking is a very important part of blogging. We always want to make it easy for the reader to click and go straight to the web page or blog post to which we are referring. Watch this help video and see if you can make the web address/URL you have above into a link.


    (Unfortunately this comment box won't let me make a live link to the video!)
